What currency are your prices listed as?

All prices are listed as U.S. Dollar.

What forms of payment do you accept?

I accept payments through PayPal, Zelle and CashApp.

How much is the cost of shipping?

Shipping cost is usually $4 which is 1-3 days shipping with tracking and insurance. If the cost of shipping would be more than that I will contact you before shipping to let you know.

Where is my purchase?

It can take up to 6 days to receive your order. Up to 3 days for processing and then up to 3 days for shipping.

Is there nickel in your products?

Some metals do have nickel in them. I label the items that have nickel.

Aluminum does not have nickel. Copper should not have nickel. Brass and Bronze might have nickel.

Are your products hypoallergenic?

The earring hooks and earring studs are hypoallergenic and most of the rings are aluminum so they are as well. Bronze, brass and copper rings are not. All items list what type of metal is used for the rings.

Do you take custom orders / request?

Yes, I do custom request. Just Contact Me with what you are wanting and include any images if you have them.

What is the difference between bright aluminum and anodized aluminum?

Bright aluminum is the state before it is anodized. Anodized aluminum is the process that gives color to the aluminum.

What is Patreon and what does it do?

Patreon is a place that allows people to donate to people to help support them with what they do. This is normally artist, writers, etc. Patrons get benefits according to the tiers that the creator sets up. So feel free to check out my page and see what I have to offer there.

Sword and Rose Chainmaille Jewelry Patreon Page


For questions not covered here, I can be contacted at My E-mail.


You can also find me at:

Sword and Rose Chainmaille Jewelry Group

Sword and Rose Chainmaille Jewelry Page